Eric Samuelson 10 Year Anniversary
CUBE 3 is well-known nationally as a design industry and innovation leader—providing thoughtful, individualized solutions for a wide range of architectural, interior design and planning challenges. Offices in Lawrence, Boston and Miami.
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Eric Samuelson 10 Year Anniversary

Eric Samuelson 10 Year Anniversary

Congratulations Eric on reaching your
10-year anniversary with CUBE 3!

Congratulations to Eric Samuelson who is celebrating his 10-year work anniversary with us! An integral member of our team, Eric has put time and energy behind so many substantial CUBE 3 projects, and we have been fortunate enough to have him on our team for a decade.

Years in the Profession: 10 years post-graduation

What attracted you to join the CUBE 3 team?
I didn’t know a lot about CUBE 3 while I was in college, but from the moment I interviewed with Doug and Aaron, I loved the way the company approached their professional development. CUBE 3 provided an opportunity for me to create my own career path. It felt like they aligned with the values and opportunity that I was looking for coming out of college. The connection I felt then hasn’t changed in the 10 years I have been here – and the opportunities I have been exposed to have exceeded my expectations.

What is your role at CUBE 3?
Studio Leader

What’s a lesson you have learned that has most benefited you in your career?
There’s a big difference between just doing your work and understanding how what you’re doing satisfies the big picture.

What inspires you?
To always get better at everything that I do. I am very competitive and don’t like being bad at anything.

What area(s) do you specialize in?
I thoroughly enjoy problem solving and believe that trait has carried me through every stage of my career thus far.

What is your favorite C3 project?
My favorite project is The Overlook at St. Gabriel’s, which also happens to be the project I spent over 10,000 hours on. I was involved with that project from the initial test fits and master-planning, all the way through to the final completion and occupancy of the buildings. I cannot begin to outline everything I learned during that project, but it set me up for future success in many ways. Special shout-out to Michele Littlefield who mentored and taught me every step of the way – I couldn’t have done it without you.

What is your favorite C3 memory?
I have a million great memories from my time at CUBE 3 – from the people to the projects, and all of the activities we’ve done over the years. I’ve spent nearly a third of my life here, and CUBE 3 has meant a lot to me.

My favorite anecdote at CUBE 3 is back during entitlements of St. Gabriel’s. We had this massive site model that Michele and I had to lug back and forth from Lawrence for meetings at Boston City Hall (it took two cars to fit it). For one of the presentations, I tried parking closer to the entrance in order to bring the model inside. While getting back to my car, Boston Police rushed into City Hall demanding whose car was parked outside. Me, a naïve shy 25 year old, proceeded to get scolded by Boston Police for parking in Mayor Walsh’s parking space. I think they quickly realized how little of a threat I was.

Favorite quote?
“As the man once said, the harder you work, the luckier you get.” -Ted Lasso

Can you tell us a little about any personal hobbies or activities you are working on or passionate about?
I am very passionate about creating new life experiences – I truly believe life is too short to worry about the small stuff and think things will always work themselves out if you let them. Go on that trip, try that sport, have that beer, eat those tacos. Life is about having fun.